Steven’s PERC paper, Reflecting to learn in a physics multimedia communication course, is now published in the 2024 PERC Proceedings.
Follow this link to read the paper:
Steven’s PERC paper, Reflecting to learn in a physics multimedia communication course, is now published in the 2024 PERC Proceedings.
Follow this link to read the paper:
Join us this week in Boston, MA for the AAPT Summer Meeting 2024 and PERC 2024, where a bunch of us will be presenting talks and posters.
First off, Ed will be presenting a poster titled Ungrading a modern physics course [PDF] on Sunday July 7 during session SUN-POS-G-601 at 5:30pm. Don’t miss it, this is probably the best-looking poster that has ever been made! UPDATE!! Ed’s poster got moved to Monday July 8 at 4pm (MON-POS-G-624, session Beyond Intro Posters II).
Then on Monday July 8, Anika will be presenting a talk titled Identifying barriers to STEM in underrepresented groups [PDF], which is based on her undergrad thesis research. She will be in session DK: PER: DEI, which is at 3pm.
On Tuesday July 9, we have both Emily and Steven presenting talks in parallel sessions. Emily will be presenting on her GTA prep work with a talk titled Lessons learned from a decade of GTA preparation [PDF], as the first talk in session GL: Graduate Teaching Assistant Training at 2pm. Also at 2pm but as the last talk of session GE: Science Communication and Informal Physics, we’ll have Steven doing the first presentation of his PhD research, Reflecting to learn in a physics multimedia communication course [PDF].
Finally, on the night of Wednesday July 10, both Steven [PDF] and Anika [PDF] will be presenting posters at PERC, in Poster Session 2 which goes from 8pm to 9:30pm. Since their posters have even-numbered codes, they will be in the second half of the poster session, at 8:50pm.
And if everything goes well, Steven will also have a PERC Proceedings paper, though we’ll make a separate announcement for that once it’s been officially accepted for publication.
Dr Prabha Padukka has joined the School of Physics at Georgia Tech as an Academic Professional, where she will primarily teach intro physics and do academic advising for physics undergrad majors. And she’s joining the PER group to, among other things, study how students learn from lecture demos. Welcome, Dr Padukka!
Heading to Las Vegas for the APS March Meeting? Then join us on the morning of Tuesday March 7, when Ed will be presenting a talk in session G34, titled Ungrading a Modern Physics Course. You can find the presentation slides here in PDF format.
Join us at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of APS this week at the University of Mississippi, where Emily will be presenting an invited talk titled Developing a comprehensive graduate TA preparation program on Friday morning (November 4). You can find the presentation slides here in PDF format.
Today Emily will be presenting a webinar for AAPT’s SEA Change seminar series, titled Transforming the Preparation of Physics GTAs. You can see the presentation slides here in PDF format.
Edit – and here’s the youtube recording of the webinar:
Join us this week at AAPT Summer Meeting 2022 and PERC 2022 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Emily and Greg are presenting in this meeting. It is Emily’s first in-person conference since COVID, and Greg’s first-ever conference presentation!
Emily has an invited talk titled Classroom Observations as part of TA Training. Her presentation is Monday July 11 at 8:30am, and you can find the slides here in PDF format.
Greg is presenting a contributed talk at AAPT and a poster at PERC, both of which are titled A National Survey of Physics Graduate TA Preparation. The slides for the talk are here in PDF format, and the poster is also here in PDF format. Both of Greg’s things are on Wednesday July 13, with the talk at 1:50pm and the poster in the first PERC poster session at 5:45pm.
Today Emily will be running a virtual workshop for the Engaging Physics Tutoring (EPT) Hub at ETH Zurich. You can find the slides here, in PDF format. Thanks to Dr Vira Bondar for the invite!
The first paper from Emily’s dissertation – Transforming the preparation of physics graduate teaching assistants: Curriculum development – has been published in Physical Review Physics Education Research (Volume 17, eid 020125).
Follow this link to read the paper:
Join our group at this year’s AAPT Summer Meeting, which started today!
Emily is presenting a talk titled Remote GTA Preparation: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [PDF here]
Erika is presenting a talk titled Using Deliberate Innovation to Understand Indifference in Graduate Advisor/Advisee Relationships [PDF here]