Georgia Tech Links
Physics Organizations
- American Association of Physics Teachers
- American Center for Physics
- American Institute of Physics
- American Physical Society
- Institute of Physics
- International Commission on Physics Education
PER Groups
- Colorado-Boulder PER Group
- Cornell PER Lab
- Harvard-Smithsonian Science Education Department
- Illinois PER Group
- Kansas State PER Group
- Leeds PER Group
- Michigan State PER Lab
- Minnesota PER and Development Group
- North Carolina State PER Group
- Ohio State PER Group
- Oregon State PER Group
- Pittsburgh Discipline-Based Science Education Research Center
- San Diego Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education
- U Central Florida PER Group
- U Maryland PER Group
- UMass Amherst PER Group
- Utah Center for Science and Mathematics Education
- Utah PER Group
PER Resources
- Physical Sciences Resource Center
- PhysPort
- The Physics Source
- American Journal of Physics
- CBE-Life Sciences Education
- Chemistry Education Research and Practice
- Cognitive Science
- Educational Researcher
- International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- International Journal of Science Education
- International Journal of STEM Education
- Journal of Chemical Education
- Journal of College Science Teaching
- Journal of Research in Science Teaching
- Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education
- Physical Review Physics Education Research
- Physics Education
- physics.ed-ph
- Science Education
- Science Educator Journal
- The Journal of Higher Education
- The Physics Teacher